Day 10 Learnings: File Operations and Permissions in Linux

Today, I delved deeper into managing files and permissions in Linux. Understanding how to make scripts executable and change file ownership is crucial for system administration and script execution.

What I Learned This Week

  • Making a Script Executable in Linux:
    The chmod command is used to modify file permissions, including making a file or script executable.

  • Changing File Ownership in Linux:
    The chown command allows you to change the owner and group of a file or directory.

Steps I Followed

Making a Script Executable | chmod Command

  1. Check Current Permissions:
    Used the ls -l command to view the current permissions of a script:

     ls -l

    Example output:

     -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1234 Jan 10 10:00
  2. Add Execute Permission:
    Made the script executable for the owner:

     chmod u+x
  3. Make Executable for Everyone:
    Added execute permissions for all users:

     chmod +x
  4. Run the Script:
    Executed the script:


Changing File Ownership | chown Command

  1. Check Current Ownership:
    Checked the file owner and group:

     ls -l file.txt

    Example output:

     -rw-r--r-- 1 olduser oldgroup 5678 Jan 10 10:00 file.txt
  2. Change File Ownership:
    Changed the file owner to a new user:

     sudo chown newuser file.txt
  3. Change Owner and Group:
    Assigned a new owner and group simultaneously:

     sudo chown newuser:newgroup file.txt
  4. Recursively Change Ownership for a Directory:
    Applied the command to a directory and its contents:

     sudo chown -R newuser:newgroup directory_name

Problems I Encountered

  1. Permission Denied Errors:
    When attempting to modify file permissions or ownership, I encountered "Permission Denied" errors.

  2. Understanding Symbolic and Numeric Modes in chmod:
    Initially, I found it challenging to grasp the numeric representation of permissions.

How I Solved These Problems

  1. Using sudo for Elevated Permissions:
    Resolved the permission issues by running the commands with sudo.

  2. Learning Numeric and Symbolic Modes:

    • For numeric mode, I referred to a guide explaining the octal system (e.g., 755 or 644).

    • For symbolic mode, I practiced using combinations like u+x, g-w, and o=r.

Resources I Used

  • Linuxize Guide to chmod

  • Linuxize Guide to chown

  • Practical examples from online tutorials and Linux forums.


Mastering file permissions and ownership is essential for managing security and ensuring scripts and files function as intended. The chmod and chown commands provide powerful tools to handle these tasks effectively.

Looking forward to learning more about Linux tomorrow. Stay tuned for Day 11 updates!